【PUMM HQ and PUMM KL & Selangor State CNY Media & Press Visit】

On 5th and 6th February 2024, Malaysia Entrepreneurs Development Association (PUMM) conducted a media visit to the headquarters of Nanyang Siang Pau, ChinaPress, Sinchew Daily and Oriental Daily. This visit, organized as part of the Chinese New Year festivities, aimed to foster connections with press and media organizations in the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor regions.

Nanyang Siang Pau and ChinaPress’s visit served as an expression of gratitude to PUMM’s media partners for their continuous support in covering PUMM’s initiatives. During the visit, PUMM National President Tan Lay Seong highlighted key achievements from his tenure and expressing aspirations for the forthcoming term, particularly in anticipation of the upcoming March 2024 elections.

Vice President Dato Teh Tai Yong, leading the Sinchew Daily and Oriental Daily visit, emphasized the importance of building strong relationships with media partners and expressed hope for future collaborations. It was emphasized that media partners could collaborate with PUMM to highlight the contributions of Chinese entrepreneurs in Malaysia.

Participants on ChinaPress and Nanyang SiangPau visit included National President Tan Lay Seong, Secretary-General Daniel Dea, Central Committee members Jimmi Yeo and Nick Tan, Bureau Director of Public Relations Tee Soon Joo and state committees.

Participants on Sinchew Daily and Oriental Daily visit included Vice President Dato Dr Teh Tai Yong, Pahang State Liaison Chairman Alson Lim Ching Wah, KL & Selangor Chairman Jeff Ho, Central Committee Jimmi Yeo, Central Committee Nick Tan, State Committee Kenny Ng, Eddie Ho, Datuk Richard Lai, Kelvin Cheong, Jerry, Fabian, and Irene Bong.






出席星洲日报及东方日报拜访的与会者包括青创会副总会长拿督郑大勇博士、彭亨州联委会主席林振华、隆雪州联委会主席何志强、隆雪州联委会副主席何志雄、中央理事杨际立、公关发展局局长郑顺裕、隆雪州秘书黄启志、隆雪州理事拿督黎承照、隆雪州理事张国荣、 隆雪州理事陈冠羽、森美兰州理事孔繁斌以及执行秘书黄佩玲等。
