【PUMM Melaka’s ‘Glory Night 2023’: An Evening of Success and Recognition】

The Malaysian Entrepreneurs Development Association (PUMM) Melaka State Liaison successfully organized the “PUMM Melaka Glory Night 2023” networking event on 14th December 2023. The event featured the PUMM Melaka Installation Ceremony, Recognition of state liaison committees and members, and commendation of Malacca’s longstanding businesses. Honorable guests included Chairman of DPS Resources BHD Tan Sri Sow Chin Chuan, Melaka EXCO member YB Allex Seah Shoo Chin, Melaka EXCO member YB Kerk Chee Yee, CEO of Invest Melaka Ginie Lim, Datuk Dr. Ting Chung Cheng.

Mr Tan Lay Seong, National President of PUMM, emphasized the importance of recognizing the contributions of established Malaysian businesses to the economy. He called for the promotion of activities acknowledging the resilience of these legacy companies, serving as role models for young entrepreneurs. He commended PUMM for its 30 years of active engagement, focusing on the development of young entrepreneurs and supporting those aspiring to venture into business. He expressed hope for the establishment of new chapters in Kedah and Perak.

Melaka EXCO member YB Kerk Chee Yee highlighted the challenge of the low technological content in the tourism industry, which contributes over 40% to the state’s GDP. He stressed the need for the state government to not only attract investments but also revamp the economic structure by enhancing technological aspects to improve the income levels of the youth. YB Kerk, also state advisor to the PUMM Melaka State Liaison, encouraged PUMM to play a greater role in knowledge sharing and guiding young individuals in nation-building.

Mr Danni Piong, PUMM Melaka State Liaison Chairman, underscored the critical role of networking in achieving success. He highlighted the opportunities provided by PUMM for its members to expand their networks across various fields, fostering connections that can positively impact their growth. He expressed gratitude for the dedicated efforts of the event organizing committee and stressed the importance of leaders understanding the experience of being led, aiming to lead more teams in the future.

The event recognized eight Melaka longstanding businesses, and the “Best of PUMM Melaka State Liaison,” highlighting the Most Active State Committees and Members, the Best Organizing Chairman, and other outstanding contributions. This acknowledgment aimed to celebrate and encourage excellence within the PUMM Melaka community.

Participants included PUMM National President Tan Lay Seong, Organizing Chairlady Peggy Cho, Immediate Past President Dato Tony Looi, Vice President Dato’ Dr Teh Tai Yong, Vice President Michael Teoh, Vice President Eugene Ng, Honorary Treasurer Dato Jason Foo, Penang State Liaison Chairman Alec Ooi, Pahang State Liaison Chairman Alson Lim, KL & Selangor State Liaison Chairman Jeff Ho, Negeri Sembilan State Liaison Chairman Timothy Teo, Melaka State Liaison Chairman Danni Piong, Johor State Liaison Chairman Dato’ Sri Chang, Sarawak State Liaison Chairlady Lina Hu, Central Committee Jocelyn Leong, Soo Soon Kid, Jimmi Yeo, Kate Ma, Eric Lim and Terry Teoh.

【青创会马六甲州联委会 “荣耀之夜2023” 活动成功举办】

马来西亚创业促进会(青创会;PUMM)马六甲州联委会于2023年12月4日成功举办了”荣耀之夜2023″交流晚会,其中包括州联委会就职仪式、表彰会员及理事,以及对马六甲老字号企业的表扬。其中,出席活动嘉宾包括DPS资源执行主席丹斯里苏进权、甲州行政议员谢守钦、副议长郭子毅、马六甲投资公司(Invest Melaka)首席执行员拿督林秀凌、马来西亚台商联合会荣誉会长拿督丁重诚等。




青创会马六甲州联委会表扬了州内八家老字企业商家,同时也表彰了表现卓越的州理事和会员。这些企业包括隆栈贸易公司、和记鸡饭、金马广告有限公司、中华参茸药行酒庄有限公司、北京楼鱼翅海鲜酒家、宝升金钻行、Eye to Eye Optometrist 以及东升园海鲜家。

