在这个艰辛的行管另(MCO)期间,马来西亚创业促进会为伙伴们带来一系列的线上分享会取名为<<青年创业分享系列>>之路在何方。我们为大家安排了一些列的专家、权威在线上跟你们分享有关青年创业、税务法律、政府支援配套、企业配套、融资贷款、经济经商、科技数码品牌及未来趋势等等的课题。目前我们已经举办了六场的分享会。还有两场将会在 5月19日及 5月26日在FACEBOOK与你线上直播。每一场的最后15分钟都有 “PITCHING SECTION” 就是会让我们的会员可以在这个时段分享他的一些创业想法、提供的服务、概念一些点子以让所有会员能够一共享。我们希望在这段最艰难的时间,我们能透过PUMM这个平台帮助各位伙伴一起同行、一起度过这最艰难的时刻。
At Great Eastern, we believe in the power of human potential. We believe you can achieve what’s meaningful to you and be the greatest version of yourself. Since 1908, we have made it our purpose to protect you from life’s uncertainties and help you thrive with financial freedom. With our innovative products and solutions, you can focus on what’s important and pursue your goals with peace of mind.
No matter what great means to you, we will help your reach it.
Great is for everyone
No matter who you are, where you are from or what your dream is, Great Eastern is here to empower you to reach for great.