2022 Malaysia Role Model Enterprise Awards (MRMEA) Ceremony cum PUMM Penang Installation Night on January 7th 【2022年马来西亚楷模企业大奖】

The ‘2022 Malaysia Role Model Enterprise Awards’ (MRMEA) Ceremony cum PUMM Penang Installation Night by the Malaysian Entrepreneurs’ Development Association (PUMM) was held on January 7th at the Setia SPICE Convention Centre, Penang.

In PUMM National President Tan Lay Seong’s speech, he stated that MRMEA was initially scheduled to be held in 2020. However, it was postponed due to the epidemic and delayed again due to the general election. Furthermore, he said that PUMM would celebrate its 30th Anniversary this year, and he expressed gratitude to the PUMM Founding President, Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew, for his foresight in establishing PUMM. As of today, PUMM has set up State Liaisons in 9 states, with more than 3,000 members distributed throughout Malaysia. Mr. Tan proposed the 8 major directions of PUMM to implement the founding goals and vision. Lastly, he predicted that PUMM will have a series of exciting activities in 2023 and looks forward to everyone’s participation.

Organizing Chairman Terry Tan Wee Hwang said that the ‘2022 Malaysia Role Model Enterprise Awards’, formerly known as the “Malaysia Top 50 Enterprise Award”, has now reshaped its image and renamed it to match the strategic planning of PUMM. The Installation Ceremony of the PUMM Penang State Liaison was also held on the same night.

PUMM Penang State Liaison Chairman Alec Ooi Boon Hao expressed gratitude to the team for overcoming the challenge and felt honored to be appointed as the State Chairman of PUMM Penang again from 2022 to 2024. “PUMM has more than 300 members in Penang. I am very glad to have witnessed the successful completion of the first Entrepreneurs’ Home in Penang during my tenure. It has become a regular venue for members to meet and gather.” He promised to lead the team to uphold PUMM’s mission and develop more future leaders.

After the ‘2021 Malaysia Role Model Recognition (MRMR) Book Launching’, the ‘2023 Malaysia Role Model Recognition (MRMR) Launching’ was held. The 2021 Organizing Chairman, Dato’ Teh Tai Yong handed over the authority to the 2023 Organizing Chairman, Nelson Beh. Consequently, a donation of RM10,000 was also handed over to SRJK(C) Kuang Yu, Batu Kawan as a school rebuilding fund.

YB Dato’ Haji Abdul Halim bin Haji Hussain said in the speech that Penang attracted much investment last year and should not rest on its laurels in the future. “We do not only intend to compete against other states but also against other countries, such as Thailand and Vietnam. To make matters worse, we are facing a bothersome issue as it may get more serious in the future.”

At the same time, he praised PUMM under the leadership of Tan Lay Seong for listing 8 directions to help strengthen domestic entrepreneurs, improve resilience, and face possible economic shocks in the unknown future. He stated that science and technology should play an essential role in the development of enterprises. The performance of the business community in Malaysia is highly expected under the leadership of the newly formed government. He urged all companies to take this challenge, to change, innovate and improve, seize opportunities through business digitalization and emerging technologies to gain competitive advantages, and ensure the long-term sustainability of enterprises.

The honorable guests included YB Dato’ Haji Abdul Halim bin Haji Hussain, Exco Penang Trade & Industry and Entrepreneurial Development; PUMM National President, Tan Lay Seong; PUMM Deputy President, Nelson Beh; MRMEA Organizing, Chairman Terry Tan Wee Hwang; PUMM Penang State Liaison Chairman Alec Ooi Boon Hao; the Chief Judge of MRMEA, Dato’ Seri Dr. Raymond Liew; Immediate Past President, Dato’ Dr. Tony Looi Chee Hoong; Member of Parliament (MP) of Muar, YB Tuan Syed Saddiq; Speaker of Dewan Negeri Pulau Pinang, YB Dato’ Law Choo Kiang; Ahli Dewan Negara, YB Senator Jaziri Alkaf Dr. Abdillah Suffian, and Penang State Executive Council for Seberang Jaya, YB Tuan Dr Afif Bahardin; Leaders from all NGOs; PUMM Central Committees and State Liaison committees.





另外,青创会为“2021青创楷模人物大奖”书刊主持推介仪式后,接着进行“2023马来西亚楷模人物大奖”推介仪式。2021年筹委会主席拿督郑大勇博士现场移交职权给2023年筹委会主席兼全国署理总会长马俊豪。 现场同时也移交1万令吉捐款予槟城峇都加湾桂花城的光育小学作为建校基金,由该校董事长拿督吴钦雄和财政陈顺发接领。

槟州贸易、工业及企业发展委员会主席拿督阿都哈林表示,槟州去年吸引不少国内外投资项目,但大家不能安于现状,应认真思考并付诸行动,让槟州继续突破和迈进。 “我们不只要和国内其他州竞争而是要和其他国家竞争,比如泰国与越南等。槟州目前也面对严重的人才流失问题。”

