3-in-1 Program in 16 – 17th Dec 2022: 5th Central Committee Meeting, PUMM Johor Installation Night and International Networking Tour in Singapore 【青创会柔佛州联委会三合一活动:第五次中央理事会议、柔佛州联委会就职典礼以及新加坡企业拜访之旅圆满落幕】

On 16 Dec 2022, Malaysia Entrepreneurs’ Development Association (PUMM) held the 5th Central Committee Meeting and a grand Installation Night of PUMM Johor State Liaison in Skudai, Johor.

PUMM National President Tan Lay Seong pointed out that PUMM has established 9 branches across the country and has become an essential platform for youth entrepreneurship in Malaysia for 30 years. PUMM will celebrate its 30th Anniversary in 2023 and hold a series of large-scale activities soon. All parties are welcome to participate, and he encouraged young entrepreneurs from various fields to join PUMM. He said that PUMM is not only a platform to expand business connections but also an excellent learning environment for young entrepreneurs to improve themselves.

The Founding President of PUMM Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew also attended the Installation Night. In his speech, he put forward the National Principles (Rukun Negara), calling on all new MPs of Malaysia to be loyal to the King and Country but not their political parties, to lead the united government to a prosperous future.

He also hopes that PUMM will pay more attention to the current political situation and jointly develop a pro-business environment to attract potential foreign investment. In addition, he pointed out that PUMM National President, Tan Lay Seong intends to expand PUMM into an international association of commerce in ASEAN Countries, and his ambition is worthy of recognition.

The participants included The Founding President, Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew, National President, Tan Lay Seong, the Chairman of Johor State Liaison, Dato’ Sri Chang Yin Siang, the Organizing Chairman of the PUMM Johor Installation Night, Max Chua Kok Lim, Central Committees, State Liaison Committees and other members.

On 17th Dec, an ‘International Networking Tour 2022’ organized by PUMM was held in Singapore. Led by the Bureau Director of International Networking cum PUMM Perak State Liaison Chairman, Lucas Chong Kin Yau and accompanied by the Deputy President of Malaysia Hainan Chamber of Commerce (MHCC), Dato’ Ricky Tan Seng Cheong, they made a corporate visit to Adonis Group and Kitchen Haus Group. At the same time, PUMM and Singapore Hainan Business Chamber (SHBC) jointly signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to strengthen future cooperations. The MOU was attended by the President of SHBC, Goh Toh Sim, and the 2 Vice-Presidents, Lee Kim Moi Ann and Ho Chwee Choo Simon.

Participants included MHCC Deputy President, Dato’ Ricky Tan Seng Cheong; PUMM Immediate Past President, Dato Tony Looi Chee Hong; PUMM National Deputy President, Nelson Beh Chuen Hau; PUMM Vice President, Eugene Ng Eng Aik; PUMM Johor State Chairman, Dato’ Sri Chang Yin Siang; PUMM Sabah State Chairman, Patrick Chiam and Organizing Chairman, Lucas Chong Kin Yau.


青创会全国总会长陈礼祥于柔佛州联委会就职典礼上表示,历经30年,该会在全国已增设了9个分会,已在马来西亚成为举足轻重的青年创业平台。同时,青创会将于明年迎来30周年庆典,即将举办一系列大型活动,到时欢迎各方莅临。 他广招各领域青年加入该会,并指该会不仅是一个拓展人脉的平台,也是一个让年轻人学习及自我提升优良学习环境。

同时,青创会创会会长丹斯里李金友也出席此就职典礼。他在致辞中提出国家五大原则,呼吁所有新届国会议员忠于君国,而非效忠于所属政党,协助团结政府打造一个更繁荣的未来。 他也希望青创会更加关注国家时局,共同创造稳定的亲商环境,以重新吸引外资。李金友同时指出,总会长陈礼祥有意将青创会打造成国际性商会,并进一步扩展至东盟各国,雄心壮志值得肯定。


于次日12月17日,在青创会国际联谊发展局局长,同时也是霹雳州联委会主席張競尤的带领下,以及马来西亚海南总商会署理会长拿督陈行昌的陪同下,对 Adonis Group 以及 Kitchen Haus Group 进行企业拜访,互相交流经商心得以及建立商业联系。同时,青创会与新加坡海南总商会(SHBC)共同签署合作备忘录,并将进一步探讨合作方向。新加坡海南总商会会长 Goh Toh Sim、两位副会长 Lee Kim Moi Ann 和 Ho Chwee Choo Simon 出席该签署仪式。

与会者包括马来西亚海南总商会署理会长拿督陈行昌、青创会辅导会长拿督雷智雄博士、全国署理总会长马俊豪、副总会长黄永溢、柔州联委会主席拿督斯里张运祥、沙巴联委会主席Patrick Chiam、以及本次活动筹委会主席張競尤。