3-in-1 Program on 16 Feb: PUMM 6th Central Committee Meeting, PUMM KL & Selangor Charity and Installation Night【三合一活动:青创会第六次中央理事会议、隆雪州联委会千人慈善晚宴及就职典礼】

On 16th February 2023, The Malaysia Entrepreneurs’ Development Association (PUMM) held the 6th Central Committee Meeting, followed by the PUMM KL & Selangor State Liaison’s Charity and Installation Night.

During the 6th Central Committee Meeting, PUMM Central Committee reviewed the organization’s achievements over the two months, discussed vital strategic initiatives for the future, and made decisions to help drive the organization forward.

PUMM KL & Selangor State Liaison’s Charity and Installation Night was held at Mines 2 Ballroom, successfully raised RM60,000, which was presented to five organizations during the mock cheque ceremony, SJKC Pin Hwa 1, SJK (C) Tsun Jin, Peace Charis Elderly Home, Pertubuhan Kebajikan Orang Tua Xiao Xin, and Persatuan Kebajikan Kanak-kanak Istimewa Insan. Each of these groups plays a significant role in supporting their respective communities, and the donations will go a long way in helping them to continue their efforts.

Tan Sri Lim Hock San, the Guest of Honor, delivered a powerful message about the importance of leadership and community building. PUMM National President, Tan Lay Seong highlighted PUMM’s eight significant achievements from 2020 to 2022. PUMM National Deputy President, Nelson Beh also introduced the upcoming Malaysia Role Model Recognition 2023 event, which will honor outstanding individuals for their remarkable achievements in business.

The event attracted over a thousand participants dressed in traditional Tang suits or cheongsam, complementing the Chinese New Year theme. The attendees received unique custom-made fire extinguishers in the lucky win session, which added to the excitement and significance of the event.

The newly-formed State Liaison Committee was officially appointed and certified at night. This milestone marked the organization’s ongoing commitment to supporting entrepreneurship, promoting business networking, and contributing to charitable causes.

Overall, the PUMM KL & Selangor Charity and Installation Night was a significant and successful event that united individuals from all walks of life to celebrate the spirit of giving, community, and entrepreneurship. The event demonstrated PUMM’s dedication to empowering communities and creating a better future for all. PUMM expressed gratitude to the Organizing Chairman, Eddie Ho, the PUMM KL & Selangor State Liaison Chairman, Jeff Ho, and all Organizing Committee for their exceptional effort in organizing this successful event.



当晚,隆雪州联委会千人慈善晚宴及就职典礼于Mines 2 盛大举行。此晚盛宴筹获六万令吉,惠及五个团体单位,包括滨华一校、循人华小、平恩乐龄之家、孝心老人福利收留协会及大马大爱脑伤症儿童基金协会。这比公益款项将为各团体在建设设施及提供福利方面起到显著的帮助。





