【MRMR National Roadshow 002 and Press Conference at Pahang】
Malaysia Role Model Recognition 2023 National Roadshow 002 and Press Conference was successfully held on 14th April 2023. PUMM Deputy President and Organizing Chairman of MRMR 2023, Nelson Beh, led central committees to launch a nationwide tour press conference at Mentakab, Pahang to make the above announcement. He announced that the ‘Role Model Recognition’ is a great honour that recognizes individual and corporate strength, rewards and commends special outstanding figures who have achieved outstanding achievements in various fields in the country.
Malaysia Role Model Recognition is open to PUMM members and non-members for free nomination. The nominated person needs to provide personal and company information and related documents. In addition to written answers, the organizer will also conduct field inspections. The nomination deadline is June 15, 2023 (Thursday), and anyone with questions or interest in nominating can contact Nelson Beh 012-2172087.

Vice President and the Organizing Chairman of PUMM Entrepreneur Home Fundraising, Dato Dr Teh Tai Yong said that the Role Model Recognition not only recognizes achievements but also helps to inspire and encourage entrepreneurs to constantly review their own strengths and weaknesses in healthy growth paths. Dr Teh is also said that since its establishment 30 years ago, PUMM has successfully purchased its own PUMM HQ Entrepreneur Home, which is located in Setiawalk, Puchong.
PUMM HQ Entrepreneur Home has launched a fundraising campaign earlier, so he welcomes all members from all over the country as well as Malaysia Role Model Recognition award winners to actively respond to donations. The two sharing speakers are Selangor State Committee Datuk Richard Lai, PUMM Secretary-General Daniel Dea, who shared their entrepreneurial experience which benefited those present.
马来西亚创业促进会(青创会;PUMM)主办马来西亚楷模人物表扬全国路演002及新闻发布会,于2023年4月14日成功进行。署理总会长兼楷模人物筹委会主席马俊豪率领中央理事,在文德甲皇鲜生展开全马第二站巡回新闻发布会,作出以上宣布。他说,“楷模人物” 至尊荣誉,是一个认可个人与企业实力的绚丽殊荣,奖励与表彰国内在各领域杰出成就的特优人物。
这项荣誉将开放给青创会会员及非会员免费提名,被提名者需提供个人与公司资料和履历,除了进行书面作答,主办方也将进行实地考察。提名截止日期为 6月15日(星期四),任何疑问及有意提名者可联络他:012-2172087。

副总会长兼首届楷模人物筹委会主席拿督郑大勇说,楷模人物的殊荣,除了是表彰成就,同时也有助激发及鼓励企业家,时刻检讨本身和企业的优点与缺点,在健康的成长道路上阔步买进。另外,郑大勇也是青创会企业之家筹募基金筹委会主席,他说,该会创立30年来,现任总会长陈礼祥的高瞻远瞩,该会成功购置属于自己的会所,即位于雪州蒲种 Setiawalk 的企业之家。