PUMM to Cambodia Trade Delegation Trip 【马来西亚创业促进会-柬埔寨贸易代表团之行】

From 30/9 to 3/10, The Malaysian Entrepreneurs’ Development Association (PUMM) launched a Trade Delegation Trip to Cambodia led by PUMM Bureau Director of International Networking cum PUMM Perak State Liaison Chairman Lucas Chong Kin Yau. The Bureau of International Networking arranged a dinner to meet several individuals with high status on this trip, including the CEO of JS Land PLC, Dato Jack Yap, the Country Head of Knight Frank Cambodia, Ross Wheble, and Expert Tax Advisor of VDB Loi, Khim Sivilia.

First and foremost, the CEO of JS Land PLC, Dato Jack Yap, shared his strategies on how to achieve successful market expansion internationally. Under the helm of Dato Jack Yap and Mr. Okhna Koy Le San, JS Land has converted into a public limited company and the first listed property developer company in the Cambodia Securities Exchange.

Moving on, Mr. Ross Wheble, the Country Head of Knight Frank Cambodia, shared about the macroeconomic prospects of Cambodia. Currently, Knight Frank Cambodia is one of the world’s premier real estate agencies. By utilizing its vast global network, the company offers high-quality professional advice and solutions across a comprehensive portfolio of property services. Furthermore, Mr. Khim Sivilia, the Expert Tax Advisor of VDB Loi, also shared about the tax structure of Cambodia. According to him, VDB Loi was founded in 2012 by Edwin Vanderbruggen and Jean Loi in Cambodia and has grown into an extensive network of leading law and advisory member firms. Overall, they comprise of 10 partners and over 100 lawyers and advisers across Southeast Asia. That being said, VDB Loi’s core expertise includes foreign investment, energy and infrastructure, M&A, real estate, taxation, and finance.

Additionally, the participants were also invited to the Member Dinner of the ASEAN Business Association to build business connections with more than 20 well-known entrepreneurs from Cambodia and the ASEAN region. During the event, PUMM formally signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the ASEAN Business Association to further support the International Market Expansion between Malaysia and Cambodia. During the trip, Mr. Lucas Chong Kin Yau specially arranged a shooting game to provide the participants with the opportunity to experience real guns and bullets. Then, they visited the Toul Sleng Genocide Museum, one of the most important cultural legacies of the Cambodia Civil War.

In a nutshell, participants of this trip were the PUMM National President, Tan Lay Seong, Vice President, Eugene Ng Eng Aik, Chairman of PUMM KL & Selangor, Jeff Ho Chee Keong, Chairman of PUMM Sarawak, Lina Hu Choo Ling, Central Committee, Jimmi Yeo Chin Yee, State Liaison Committees and other members. After the trip, all participants expressed gratitude to the PUMM Bureau Director of International Networking cum PUMM Perak State Liaison Chairman Lucas Chong Kin Yau, for serving as the Chairman of the Preparation Committee and bringing this fulfilling trip to a perfect end.


国际联谊发展局在此行程中安排了晚宴与几位重量级人物会晤,当中包括JS Land PLC 首席执行官 Dato Jack Yap, Knight Frank(莱坊)国家负责人Ross Wheble 与 VDB Loi 税务专家 Khim Sivilia。

JS Land PLC 首席执行官 Dato Jack Yap于会上给予青创会理事与会员们如何拓展生意到国际市场的分享。JS Land 是一家拥有良好公司治理和财务报表透明化的企业,并且由Dato Jack Yap先生和 Mr.Okhna Koy Le San经营掌舵之下成功成为柬埔寨第九家上市公司,也是今年及国内第一家上市的房地产开发商。

Knight Frank(莱坊)的柬埔寨负责人Mr.Ross Wheble也在会上给予青创会理事与会员们关于柬埔寨的宏观经济前景的分享。Knight Frank (莱坊)是一家全球性房地产咨询公司,业务偏布全球各重要中心城市,为客户提供高端商业物业和住宅物业。

此外,VDB Loi 的税务专家, Mr.Khim Sivilia为给予青创会理事与会员们关于柬埔寨税收结构的分享,以有助于会员们在柬埔寨拓展自身业务。VDB Loi公司是由 Edwin Vanderbruggen 和 Jean Loi 在2012年创立,由东南亚的10个合作伙伴和100多名律师和顾问组成,在孟加拉国、柬埔寨、印度尼西亚、老挝、缅甸和越南立足。VDB Loi 的核心专业知识包括外国投资、基础设施、并购、房地产、税收和金融。

青创会理事与会员们也受邀参加了 ASEAN Business Association 会员日晚宴,与来自柬埔寨和东盟地区的20多名知名商业人士进行建立联系并开展新的友谊。晚宴当晚,马来西亚创业促进会(PUMM;青创会)正式与 ASEAN Business Association 签署了解备忘录,以期未来能够协助更多想要在东盟国家拓展市场开展新企业的企业家们。

国际联谊发展局局长张竞尤也特别安排会员们体验真枪实弹的射击和参观 Toul Sleng Genocide Musuem,以更深地了解造成300万人死亡的70年代灾难性内战。
