Malaysia Entrepreneurs’ Development Association (PUMM) CNY Media Visit【马来西亚创业促进会进行新春媒体探访】

On 2nd February 2023, Malaysia Entrepreneurs’ Development Association (PUMM) conducted a Chinese New Year Media Visit to Sin Chew Daily, Nanyang Siang Pau, LBS Bina Group Bhd, and Oriental Daily.

The aim of the visit was to foster deeper understanding between the participants and the media organizations, as well as to introduce the upcoming PUMM KL & Selangor Charity and Installation Night, set to take place on February 16th, 2023. The media outlets that PUMM visited have demonstrated their support by accepting invitations to the event and committing to contribute to the fundraising goal. The visit provided valuable insights into the history, achievements, and future direction of the media organizations, as well as the challenges they may possibly face in the digital age.

At Sin Chew Daily, the participants, accompanied by General Manager, Mr. Tan Kim Chuan, had the chance to engage in a meaningful dialogue with the leading Chinese-language newspaper in Malaysia, gaining a deeper insight into each other’s vision and growth trajectory.

The Nanyang Siang Pau visit, led by CEO, Mr. Low Hoong Fee, offered the participants a comprehensive understanding of the 100-year legacy of the newspaper, founded in 1923 by Mr. Tan Kah Kee.

At LBS Bina Group Berhad, a leading property developer in Malaysia, the participants had the opportunity to engage in an informal discussion with the founder of LBS and National Advisor of PUMM, Tan Sri Lim Hock San. The conversation focused on the future direction of PUMM, the basic principles of success, and his advice for starting a business.

During the visit to Oriental Daily, led by the company’s representative, Ms. Yung, participants gained better appreciation for the challenges and opportunities in the digital media era.

During the visits, PUMM KL & Selangor State Liaison Chairman, Jeff Ho, and the Organizing Chairman, Eddie Ho introduced the upcoming event on 16th February, the PUMM KL & Selangor Charity and Installation Night. The event aims to raise funds for less fortunate individuals such as foster children and those with special needs.

Participants included PUMM National President, Tan Lay Seong, PUMM National Deputy President, Nelson Beh, PUMM National Vice President, Arlene Tan and Dato’ Dr Teh Tai Yong, PUMM National Secretary General, Daniel Dea, PUMM Selangor State Liaison Chairman, Jeff Ho, the Organizing Chairman of 16th February PUMM KL & SELANGOR Charity and Installation Night, Eddie Ho, PUMM Central Committees, Jocelyn Leong, Monica Chong and Jimmy Yeo, PUMM KL & Selangor State Liaison Committees, Charlene Leong, William Wong, Kelvin Cheong, Datuk Richard Lai, Chong Siew Kit, Kenny Ng and Anne Lai.

于2023 年 2 月 2 日,马来西亚创业促进会(PUMM;青创会)对星洲日报、南洋商报、LBS Bina Group Bhd、以及东方日报进行新春媒体访问。

与会者于星洲日报进行当天的首次访问,由星洲日报总经理,陈金泉先生带领此次拜访。 星洲日报是马来西亚最权威的中文报纸之一。与会者在拜访过程中进一步加深了对彼此公司意境和业务发展路径的了解。


下午,青创会拜访地产开发商 LBS Bina Group Berhad,有幸与 LBS Bina Group 创始人,丹斯里林福山进行礼貌交谈。 丹斯里林福山同时也是青创会荣誉顾问。在拜访中,与会者与丹斯里林福山就青创会未来发展方向,以及对创业者的人生建议等进行了非正式的讨论。

青创会拜访东方日报,由杨小姐带领带领进行了愉快的交流谈话。 与会者更好地了解纸体时代进行数字化转型所面临的挑战和变革寻求新突破。



与会者包括青创会全国总会长,陈礼祥、全国署理总会长,马俊豪、副总会长,陈荣月、副总会长,拿督郑大勇、总秘书,吕羽华、隆雪州联委会主席,何志强、隆雪州联委会千人慈善晚宴及就职典礼筹委会主席,何志雄、中央理事,梁惠莹、张愫桔、杨际立、隆雪州理事,张国荣、拿督黎承照、张修诚、黄启志、Anne Law、梁采菱、王鎮瑋。