PUMM Johor Fundraising Campaign 柔佛州联委会爱心募捐活动 “用爱呼唤,支援重灾”

【PUMM Johor Fundraising Campaign Raises RM44K in Donated Materials for Flood Victims】

On 10th March 2023, PUMM Johor State Liaison’s “Bringing Love and Hope to Johor Flood Victims” fundraising campaign came to a close. The campaign received an outpouring of support from the community, and the organization expressed its gratitude to all of the generous donors who contributed to the cause.

The total value of donated materials reached RM44,000.00, which will go towards helping flood victims overcome their difficulties. PUMM Johor State Liaison hopes that the positive energy generated by this campaign will continue to spread throughout the community.

PUMM extended its sincerest thanks to all who contributed to this meaningful cause and looks forward to continuing to make a positive impact on those in need.


马来西亚创业促进会(青创会;PUMM)柔佛州联委会在于三月份举办了一场爱心募捐活动 “用爱呼唤,支援重灾”。筹款已于3月10日结束,总共募集了四万四千令吉的捐款和物资。

