【Invitation : 46th National Model of Entrepreneurs Awards and 32nd Overseas Chinese Model of Entrepreneurs Awards Ceremony】

On November 28th, 2023, the “46th National Model of Entrepreneurs Awards and 32nd Overseas Chinese Model of Entrepreneurs Awards Ceremony,” organized by the National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Association, R.O.C. (TAIWAN), took place at the Grand Hotel Taipei. PUMM had the honor of being invited to witness the acknowledgment of all the awardees.

This award aim to celebrate entrepreneurs in Taiwan and overseas who have demonstrated dedication to creating successful ventures, benefiting communities, and contributing to economic prosperity. Since its inception in 1978, the National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Association has organized the “Model of Entrepreneurs Selection,” evolving over the years to include entrepreneurs from around the world.

Participants included PUMM National President Tan Lay Seong, Immediate Past President Dato Tony Looi, and Perak State Liaison Chairman Lucas Chong.


于2023年11月28日,由中华民国全国创新创业总会主办的 ‘中华民国第46届、海外华人第32届创业楷模暨创业相扶奖颁奖典礼’ 于台北圆山大饭店盛大举行。马来西亚创业促进会(青创会)受邀出席,一同见证所有海内外得奖者的荣耀时刻。

此奖项为表扬企业经营者致力开创事业、造福人群、创造经济繁荣的优异事迹,以作为有志创业人士良好的典范,台湾全国创新创业总会自1978年起开办 ‘创业楷模选拔’。1992年,为使此奖项遍布世界各地的台商及华人子弟创业的成就也能获得表彰,更将选拔的范围向海外拓展,成为表彰海外创业成就者的第一个奖项。

