【PUMM and UCSI Sign MOU to Establish UCSI-PUMM Education Fund】

On 4th December 2023, Persatuan Usahawan Maju Malaysia (PUMM) is delighted to announce the inaugural signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with UCSI Group Holdings, solidifying the partnership to establish the UCSI-PUMM Education Fund for deserving students.

This collaborative initiative underscores PUMM’s unwavering dedication to making a real impact on the lives of fellow Malaysians, particularly those in the B40 group. The Education Fund, a key outcome of this partnership, targets individuals with a total household income not exceeding RM 6,000, providing opportunities for 2023 SPM candidates who achieved at least 5 credits.

The joint education fund initiative, led by PUMM Negeri Sembilan (PUMM NS) State Liaison, including Organizing Chairlady, Ms. Cindy Yeoh, has garnered unwavering support from PUMM NS State Advisor, Dato’ Peter Ng, who is also the UCSI Group Founder and Executive Chairman.

“I believe one never stops learning because it is a lifelong process. And yet, we should always be humble and never forget our roots. Where possible, we should always play our part in contributing back to our communities,” said Dato’ Peter Ng.

PUMM National President, Mr. Tan Lay Seong, expressed gratitude for the collaborative efforts that made this partnership possible. Special recognition was given to PUMM Negeri Sembilan State Chairman, Mr. Timothy Teo, Organizing Chairlady Ms. Cindy Yeoh, and the dedicated State Committees, who played a pivotal role in forging connections with UCSI Group.

“PUMM, as an NGO, is committed to serving our communities in line with our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives, which are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We hope that through this joint education fund, we are able to work hand-in-hand with UCSI Group Holdings in providing quality tertiary education and molding high-quality talents for the nation,” commented Mr. Tan Lay Seong, President of PUMM.

The Education Fund aims to support students not only during their foundation studies but also for those who excel, demonstrating PUMM’s commitment to nurturing talent for long-term impact. The selection process will be a collaborative effort, with PUMM actively involved in recruiting students who can benefit from this educational opportunity.

Organizing Chairlady Cindy Yeoh expressed that the application process is straightforward. Applicants can apply either through the representatives of the Youth Entrepreneur Association in each PUMM state liaison or via the following link: https://pumm.my/privileges…/ucsi-pumm-education-fund/. The deadline for applications is December 31, 2023. Successful applicants will be notified and undergo online or offline interviews on January 8, 2024. Following the review process, the selected candidates will be announced by April 2024.

PUMM members stand ready to be positive role models and provide mentorship in developing future entrepreneurs.

Representatives from UCSI Group include Dato Peter Ng, Founder cum Group CEO of UCSI Group, Mr. Anderson Yu, Group Chief Communication Officer of UCSI Group, Associate Professor Dr. Mabel Tan, President and CEO of UCSI College, and Mr. Daniel Quah, Group Chief Digital Learning Officer and Head of Open and Distance.

Representatives from PUMM included PUMM National President Mr. Tan Lay Seong, Organizing Chairlady Cindy Yeoh, Deputy President Mr. Nelson Beh, Vice President Dato Dr. Teh Tai Yong, Vice President Mr. Michael Teoh, Secretary-General Mr. Daniel Dea, KL & Selangor State Liaison Chairman Jeff Ho, Negeri Sembilan State Liaison Chairman Timothy Teo, and Negeri Sembilan State Liaison Deputy Chairman Nick Chow.

【青创会与 UCSI 签署合作备忘录,共建 UCSI-青创会奖学金】

于2023年12月4日,马来西亚创业促进会(青创会;PUMM)宣布与 UCSI 集团控股公司签署合作备忘录(MOU),正式巩固了 UCSI-青创会奖学金的合作伙伴关系,为弱势群体的学生提供更多的深造机会。

此次合作突显了青创会致力于推动大马青年的教育及发展做出的努力。UCSI-青创会奖学金欢迎各族学子到来申请,尤其是贫寒家庭出身,总收入不超过 RM6,000的家庭,唯申请人必须在SPM考试中取得至少五科包括英文在内有Credit即可,。

由青创会森美兰州联委会主导的 UCSI-青创会奖学金得到了青创会森美兰州顾问兼 UCSI 集团创办人兼首席执行员拿督黄传发的大力支持,UCSI-青创会奖学金得到了青创会终于宣布正式开放申请。

“我相信学习永无止境,因为它是一生的过程。然而,我们应该时刻保持谦卑,永远不要忘记我们的根源。在可能的情况下,我们应该尽我们的一份力量回馈社会,” 拿督黄传发说道。

青创会全国总会长陈礼祥先生对促成这一合作的各方人士共同的努力表示感激。特别对青创会森美兰州联委会主席张剑锋先生、筹委会主席杨欣玲女士以及致力于与 UCSI 集团建立联系的州联委会全体成员表示诚挚的感谢。

“青创会作为一个非政府组织,致力于根据我们的企业社会责任(CSR)倡议为社区服务,这与可持续发展目标(SDGs)的理念也一致。我们希望通过这一联合奖学金计划与 UCSI 集团通力合作,为国家栋梁提供高质量的高等教育,并为塑造高素质人才而努力,” 青创会全国总会长陈礼祥先生致辞中说道。

筹委会主席杨欣玲表示,奖学金的申请程序非常简单, 申请者只要通过各州的青创会代表联系,或访问 https://pumm.my/privileges…/ucsi-pumm-education-fund/ 网上申请即可。申请截止日期为2023年12月31日。成功入围的申请人将接获通知,并于2024年1月8日,进行线上或线下面试。 经过审核后,有关机构将于2024年4月份公布入选名单。


UCSI 集团的代表团队包括 UCSI 集团创始人兼首席执行员拿督黄传发、UCSI 集团首席公关执行员茹勇强、UCSI College 总裁兼首席执行员 Mabel Tan 副教授、UCSI 集团首席数字学习官兼远程教育主管 Daniel Quah、以及 UCSI 大学信托基金主管 Shannen Choi。
