【会员聚会&商业推销大会】之前因为疫情的冲击导致我国必须实行行管令,间接的导致青创会无法举办活动。隔了近半年, 政府已允许一些活动但必须遵守SOP,陈礼祥(全国总会长)立马与马俊豪(署理总会长)商讨举办会员聚会并且增加商业推销的环节让会员们分享他们的生意点子,在这个疫情期间遇到的问题等等。当天(7日)全程的时间控制、流程及整体的氛围环节都非常到位,现场每一个出席者的热情、所散发出来的磁场都非常的棒和正面,整个感觉太好了或许是太久没有线下的会面,大家也交流得不亦乐乎当天共有100多位来自各州的会员与非会员的参与并且共有13位企业家分享他们的点子。青创会非常感谢顾问兼辅导会长 – 拿督 雷智雄 博士全国顾问 – 苏子芳全国总会长 – 陈礼祥署理总会长 – 马俊豪筹委会主席 – 陈一锋Key Ng (赞助理事们与13位商业推销参与者时尚口罩)中央理事们州分会理事们以及每位工作人员感谢13位企业家的分享:马俊豪、蔡维迪、纪华顺、温馨昀、李昱鋐、陈宝诗、黄俊杰、游榕彪、Waran Shanmugan 华仁、陈芃名、张树林、庄斯敏、孙浩鑫#PUMM#PUMMKL#Membergathering#memberpitching#coppermansion#KariLembu
At Great Eastern, we believe in the power of human potential. We believe you can achieve what’s meaningful to you and be the greatest version of yourself. Since 1908, we have made it our purpose to protect you from life’s uncertainties and help you thrive with financial freedom. With our innovative products and solutions, you can focus on what’s important and pursue your goals with peace of mind.
No matter what great means to you, we will help your reach it.
Great is for everyone
No matter who you are, where you are from or what your dream is, Great Eastern is here to empower you to reach for great.