PUMM 28th Annual General Meeting (AGM) and PUMM HQ Entrepreneurs Home Soft Launching 青创会第28届年度会员大会及青创会总会企业之家启动仪式

【PUMM 28th Annual General Meeting (AGM) and PUMM HQ Entrepreneurs Home Soft Launching was held on 19th March】

On March 19, 2023, the Malaysia Entrepreneurs Development Association (PUMM) held the 28th Annual General Meeting (AGM) and PUMM HQ Entrepreneurs Home Soft Launching. At the Annual General Meeting, PUMM’s Secretary-General, Mr. Daniel Dea, welcomed all central committee, national advisors, state liaison chairperson, bureau directors and PUMM members.


The meeting featured speeches from PUMM’s National President, Mr Tan Lay Seong, and the Speaker of the AGM, Mr. Saw Choo Hong. The meeting adopted the previous annual general meeting minutes, the secretary-general report and the annual audited accounts for the year 2022. The meeting also passed several proposals to amend the constitution.

The PUMM HQ Entrepreneurs Home Soft Launching was held on the following afternoon. The Organizing Chairman, Mr. Eugene Ng, expressed gratitude to the attending guests in his speech. PUMM National President, Mr. Tan Lay Seong, listed five strategies that PUMM had jointly implemented to build PUMM HQ Entrepreneurs Home:

1. Urge all members – recruit new talents and inspire positive energy.

2. Launch large-scale activities – Malaysia Role Model Recognition (MRMR Ceremony and Malaysia Role Model Enterprise Award (MRMEA).

3. Utilize resources – occupied National President’s office for secretariat, saving nearly RM200,000 in the past three years.

4. Corporate sponsorship – obtained support from two major sponsors, Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad and AmBank Berhad.

5. Sponsorship from members – raised RM360,000 from PUMM members.

Immediate Past President, Dato’ Tony Looi, also shared PUMM’s 30-year development history. PUMM Founding President, Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew, shared his expectations for the PUMM and gave business advice to the attending members. The Organizing Chairman of PUMM HQ Entrepreneurs Home Fundraising, Dato Dr Teh Tai Yong, had also urged everyone to become sponsors to support PUMM’s future development actively. PUMM successfully raised RM56,000 at this soft launching session. In addition, PUMM National Deputy President, Mr. Nelson Beh, highlighted the upcoming Malaysia Role Model Recognition (MRMR) ceremony, which will be held on 12 August, 2023.





会员与赞助伙伴大马银行代表 Nicole Chan 合照。



1. 全体动员 – 招募新人才、激发积极向上的正能量

2. 大型活动 – 马来西亚楷模人物表彰典礼及马来西亚企业楷模大奖

3. 节约节流 – 共用总会长办公室供商会使用,三年来省下近20万

4. 企业赞助 – 获得2大赞助伙伴大东方人寿以及大马银行全力支持

5. 个人赞助 – 由青创会会员及业界伙伴一共筹获36万

拿督雷智雄作为辅导会长,也分享了青创会30年来的发展历程。青创会创会会长丹斯里李金友则分享了他对企业之家的期望,并给予在座众会员在做生意上的教诲。企业之家筹款筹委会主席,也是青创会副总会长拿督郑大勇,也在场吁请大家积极成为赞助人之一,以便为青创会的未来发展提供更多支持。青创会成功在这场启动仪式中筹获五万六千令吉为企业之家建设基金。此外,署理总会长马俊豪还重点介绍即将在2023年8月12日来临的马来西亚楷模人物表彰典礼 Malaysia Role Model Recognition (MRMR)。
