Category Archives: News

Heartiest congratulations to Nanyang Siang Pau on its 100th Anniversary celebration 马来西亚创业促进会祝贺南洋商报百年庆典

Heartiest congratulations to Nanyang Siang Pau on its 100th Anniversary celebration! Cheers to your future achievements and past glories. Let’s hope for the best in the coming years! 马来西亚创业促进会祝贺南洋商报百年庆典! 百年伟业,历久弥新。 展望未来,持续辉煌。

Dinner Gathering with PUMM Founding Committee 创会理事回顾青创会创业之路

【Dinner Gathering with PUMM Founding Committee】 On 17th April 2023, Malaysia Entrepreneurs Development Association (PUMM) held a dinner gathering with its key founding committee members at Restaurant F1 Kitchen, Puchong. The dinner gathering featured a sharing session by the founding committee members, who talked about the history of PUMM, the difficulties they faced when starting […]

MOU Signing between PUMM Negeri Sembilan and UCSI Hospital 青创会森州联委会与 UCSI Hospital 签署合作备忘录

【MOU Signing between PUMM Negeri Sembilan and UCSI Hospital】 Malaysia Entrepreneurs Development Association (PUMM) Negeri Sembilan State Liaison is proud to announce that it has successfully signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with UCSI Hospital on 17th April 2023. The MOU signing ceremony was held at UCSI Hospital, Bandar Springhill, Negeri Sembilan, and was witnessed […]

PUMM Corporate Visit to Celcomdigi 青创会对 Celcomdigi 进行企业拜访

【PUMM Corporate Visit to Celcomdigi】 Malaysia Entrepreneurs Development Association (PUMM) paid a courtesy visit to Celcomdigi on 17th April 2023, at Menara Celcomdigi. The purpose of this visit was to have a first discussion about long-term collaboration between PUMM and Celcomdigi. Celcomdigi is the biggest telco in Malaysia, formed by the merger of Celcom and […]

Corporate Visit to Techbond Berhad 隆雪州联委会拜访工业粘合剂领导者

【Corporate Visit to Techbond Berhad】 Persatuan Usahawan Maju Malaysia (PUMM) Kul & Selangor recently organized a corporate visit to Techbond Berhad, a Malaysian company that produces industrial adhesives used in manufacturing a variety of products, including wood-based products, paper and packaging. Techbond Berhad is listed on the main board of Bursa Malaysia and was one […]

PUMM 26th Annual General Meeting

于3月27日,由于疫情还没暂缓,政府也不允许跨州,中央理事与大会议长最终决定以线上和线下的方式举办这届的常年大会。当然在这个新常态下,这次的常年大会举办的非常的顺利但许多线上出席的会员都非常的不习惯,都说少了以往一起聚一聚的感觉 陈礼祥先生以总会长的身份在短短的10分钟致开幕词,但却简洁有力。他解说了青创会的未来4大方向和一个终极目标

PUMM Role Model Recognition Press Conference

【青创楷模人物新闻发布会】于本月日,青创会召开青创会楷模人物新闻发布会。这也是青创会首次举办 ”青创会楷模人物2021” 以表扬青创会的楷模人物,同时将所筹集的款项充当本会 “企业之家” 建设基金。“青创楷模人物” 共分为3大组别,分别为 #青创标杆楷模人物、#青创杰出楷模人物 及 #青创菁英楷模人物,并根据个人在各自领域、组织、企业界的杰出表现及社会贡献进行提名,而青创标杆楷模人物还须将业务冲出海外迈向世界,在国内外拥有影响力,成为大家奋斗制表的业界才俊标志人物。青创会家人们你是否有适合的会员推荐呢?赶紧推荐给我们吧有意接受推荐的会员或欲了解更多详情,可联系秘书处铭记历史、珍爱贡献、致敬典范

Malaysia Book of Records

【马来西亚记录大全】恭喜  恭喜 2020年,对大多数人而言是非常艰辛和非常挑战的一年。新冠疫情来势汹汹打乱各行各业的节奏,我们也不例外。尽管是青创会历史上28年以来最具挑战性的一年,但我们依然感激不尽。总会长,理事们以及州联委员会都一直积极讨论以提供可行的计划或解决方案以克服这个疫情带来的挑战。青创会为大家准备了一系列的线上活动。例如:路在何方系列,会员论坛,预算案,年终分享会等等的。因为PUMM上下一心,全国一起推动线上活动。青创会非常自豪地与外界分享荣获【马来西亚记录大全】的喜悦,缔造了一项新的记录,成为商会在行管令期间一年内做最多的线上活动。这当然是青创会成立28周年的最好礼物感谢大家的支持和鼓励 今日才能荣获马来西亚纪录大全 . This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

PUMM Year End Sharing

【青创州联委会 年终分享会】[PUMM YES]不知不觉一眨眼已经来到了2020年的尾声。大家是否都觉得今年的时间过的特别快呢?由于今年面临严峻的疫情,导致国家经济受到重挫,许多企业老板都面临资金周转的问题、许多打工族都面临减薪或无薪假、学生无法正常的上课等等的问题。有些州属眼看情况逐渐好转又到别的州属爆发。这情况真的让人担忧,这波疫情到底会持续多久呢? 青创会将在星期(23/12), 晚上8时30分,各州分会分别来自槟城、霹雳、彭亨、森美兰、沙巴、雪兰莪与柔佛联委会主席一同上线分享今年各州的情况、各州分会今年的活动与接下来青创会的动向等等当然,这场年终分享会怎么能少得了我们的全国总会长 陈礼祥 先生呢?他将成为此分享会的开场嘉宾哦 还有还有….. 我们的美丽总秘书 Arlene Tan是当晚的主持哟