【Corporate Visit to Invest Melaka】
On 17th August 2023, a team led by Malaysia Entrepreneurs Development Association (PUMM) Melaka State Liaison visited Invest Melaka to explore ways to boost foreign investments in Malacca. The visit aimed to understand the benefits for foreign investors in Malacca and how PUMM can contribute to attracting foreign investment.
The meeting kicked off at noon with the delegation talking with Ms. Ginie Lim, CEO of Invest Melaka. The discussion started by looking at why Malacca is an appealing spot for investment. CEO Ginie Lim explained the local culture, strategic location, and good infrastructure that make Malacca interesting to foreign investors. She also mentioned the ease of doing business and government support that make it a stable investment environment.
The second part focused on how PUMM partners with Invest Melaka to attract foreign investors. Mr. Danni Piong, PUMM Melaka State Liaison Chairman, highlighted how they help young entrepreneurs and are ready to cooperate with the local government to guide foreign investors, helping them understand the local market and business chances.
Participants included PUMM Melaka State Liaison Chairman Mr Danni Piong, State Deputy Chairman Terry Tey and State Committees.

【马六甲州联委会企业拜访:Invest Melaka】
马来西亚创业促进会(青创会;PUMM)马六甲州联委会为进一步了解及加强外资在马六甲的投资合作,由马六甲州联委会主席房侑良率领的代表团于2023年8月17日拜访了 Invest Melaka(投资马六甲)办公室。此次拜访重点在于深入了解外国投资者在马六甲寻求商机的优势以及青创会如何协助促进外资的引入。
会议在当天中午开始,代表团与 Invest Melaka 首席执行官 Ginie Lim 进行了深入交流。交流内容包括深入探讨外资投资马六甲的优势。Ginie Lim 也强调了当地政府为外资企业提供的便利措施和支持政策,以及投资环境的稳定性。另外也讨论关于青创会如何配合马六甲吸引或寻找外资,如何与 Invest Melaka 合作,共同吸引和寻找外国投资。州主席在会上强调了青创会在促进青年企业家和创业精神方面的作用,以及他们愿意与当地政府合作,为外国投资者提供指导和咨询,帮助他们了解当地市场和商业机会。