Bureau of Youth Entrepreneurship provides internship matching program for PUMM members
PUMM Bureau of Youth Entrepreneurship is working with Taylors University and Inti International University to provide internship opportunities for their students. If you are interested in hosting interns in your company, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/jBqMahX8awTxBYgC8
The Bureau will then forward your information to the relevant officers from the institutions. This is a great chance to mentor the next generation of entrepreneurs and to benefit from their fresh ideas and skills.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Eric Lim at 017-3119665. He will be happy to assist you.

马来西亚创业促进会(青创会;PUMM)青年创业发展局正在与泰莱大学 Taylors University 和英迪国际大学 Inti International University 合作,为他们的学生提供实习机会。有兴趣通过青创会招收实习生,请填写以下表格:
这是一个与下一代创业者共同成长,共享他们的创新思维和专业技能的难得机会。有任何疑问或顾虑,请联系青年创业局局长 Eric Lim 017-3119665 以咨询详情。