Meet with YB Chan Foong Hin at ‘PUMM Sabah Celebrity Lunch’ 【于 ‘PUMM Sabah 名人有约’ 与YB陈泓缣进行交流聚餐】

On 6th January 2023, Malaysia Entrepreneurs’ Development Association (PUMM) Sabah Liaison hosted the ‘PUMM Sabah Celebrity Lunch.’

In the sharing session, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Security Malaysia, YB Chan Foong Hin, encouraged entrepreneurs to learn more about government aid, including low-interest loans and funds for the public to apply. He explained his goal to establish a one-stop service and consultation center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security Malaysia so that people can obtain relevant information and applications quickly.

Participants included the honorable guests, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, YB Chan Foong Hin, PUMM National Vice President Dato’ George Lim Su Chung, PUMM Sabah State Liaison Chairman Patrick Chiam Yee Choon, Chairman of Asia Pacific TOP Excellence Brand East Malaysia, Chairman of Malaysia Maritime Silk Route Research Society, Chairman of the Federation Of Malaysia Hardware, Machinery & Building Materials Dealers’ Association (FMHMBA), the founder of GoNet James Yong, PUMM State Committees and other members.

马来西亚创业促进会(青创会;PUMM)沙巴州联委会于 2023年1月6日 主办 ‘PUMM Sabah 名人有约’ 聚餐活动。此活动邀请联邦农业及粮食安全部副部长陈泓缣一同进行分享交流。


与会者包括受约嘉宾联邦农业及粮食安全部副部长陈泓缣、青创会全国副总会长拿督林书忠、沙巴州联委会主席詹裕俊、亚太会东马主席张瑛财、马来西亚海上丝绸之路研究学会主席拿督斯里杨忠勇博士局绅、亚庇五金机械建材商公会会长黄宏玮、GoNet 创办人 James Yong、各个州理事以及青创会会员。