【PUMM 9th Central Committee Meeting at PUMM HQ Entrepreneur Home】
The Malaysia Entrepreneurs Development Association (PUMM) held its 9th Central Committee Meeting (CCM) on 29th August 2023, at PUMM HQ Entrepreneur Home, SetiaWalk Puchong. This held particular significance as it marked the first meeting held in the recently renovated headquarters, symbolizing a notable start to a new phase. The meeting covered the adoption of previous minutes, reports from the Secretary-General and Honorary Treasurer, and reports from all State Liaisons and the Bureau.
As the bureau steadily expands in alignment with PUMM’s vision and mission, the 14 bureaus are experiencing significant growth and development. During this meeting, a set of rules and regulations specifically designed to improve management and systematization within these development bureaus was approved. PUMM is delighted to announce the appointment of Mr. Tee Soon Joo as the Bureau Director of Public Relations for the term 2022-2024. We warmly welcome him as a valuable addition to our team and look forward to collaborating with him to make significant contributions.

The meeting highlighted the progress in the preparations for two upcoming significant events. Firstly, the PUMM HQ Entrepreneur Home Grand Opening on 19th September was discussed, with preparations proceeding smoothly, and the Organizing Chairman Dato Dr Teh emphasized their commitment to ensuring the satisfaction of invited guests. Secondly, the preparations for the PUMM 30th Anniversary cum Central Committee Installation and 2023 Role Model Recognition Night are in full swing, with the recognition process currently in the evaluation phase.
To motivate the State Liaisons to put in more commitment to recruit new members, organize successful events and provide excellent support to the PUMM’s overall objectives, an internal award “Best of the Best” was brought out again. This award includes seven categories, such as the most recruitment by State Liaison, most active recruiter by State Liaison, overall best State Liaison and more. The award also provides a healthy competition among State Liaisons, thus creating a sense of unity and common goal towards the betterment of the organization.
Participants included PUMM National President Tan Lay Seong, Deputy President Nelson Beh, Vice President Dato Dr Teh, Vice President Arlene Tan, Vice President Eugene Ng, Vice President Michael Teoh, Secretary-General Daniel Dea, Honorary Treasurer Dato Jason Foo, Penang State Liaison Chairman Alec Ooi, Johor State Liaison Chairman Dato Sri Chang, Negeri Sembilan State Liaison Chairman Timothy Teo, Melaka State Liaison Chairman Danni Piong, Pahang State Liaison Chairman Alson Lim, Sarawak State Liaison Chairman Lina Hu, Central Committee Nick Tan, Jocelyn Leong, Soo Soon Kid, Jimmi Yeo, Jayee Hu, Kate Ma, Chong Yen Kai, Eric Lim and Terry Teoh.
The next meeting is scheduled for 27th October at Miri, Sarawak, and will be hosted by the PUMM Sarawak State Liaison.


为了鼓励各州联委会更加努力地组织活动、招募新会员等目的,会议中再次介绍了 “Best of the Best” 此内部奖项。这个奖项设有七个类别,例如最多招募新会员的州联委会、最活跃的州联委会、最佳表现的州联委会等等。这个奖项旨在激发各州联委会之间的良性竞争,增强团结协作的意识,推动组织的发展。