Dato’ Dr Teh Tai Yong
Company: Teh Kim Teh, Salina & Co
Position: Senior Partner

Tan Lay Seong (DJN,PJK)
(准拿督 陈礼祥)
Immediate Past President
Company: Great Ideals Group
Position: Group CEO

Eugene Ng Eng Aik (黄永溢)
Deputy President
Company: E&E Electrical Solutions Sdn Bhd
Position: Director

Michael Teoh Su Lim (张赐林)
Vice President
Company: Thriving Talents Sdn Bhd
Position: Founding CEO & Head of Faculty

Alec Ooi Boon Hao (黄玟豪) (PJK)
Vice President
Company: AmazingWorks Sdn Bhd
Position: Founder and CEO

Alson Lim Ching Wah (林振华)
Vice President
Company: KLP Theraphy Foot Reflexology (M) Sdn Bhd
Position: Managing Director

Jeff Ho Chee Keong (何志强)
Vice President
Company: CML Furnishing Sdn Bhd
Position: Director

Timothy Teo Kiam Hon (張剑锋) (PMC,PJK)
Vice President
Company: Golden Hover Furniture (S’ban) Sdn Bhd
Position: Director

Daniel Dea Yik Hwa (吕羽华)
Vice President
Company: Weitizen Sdn Bhd
Position: Director

Dato’ Jason Foo Khee Long
Company: Eighty One Sdn Bhd
Position: Director

Jimmi Yeo Chin Yee (杨际立)
Honorary Treasurer
Company: A Ceramics Holdings Sdn Bhd
Position: Director

Kenny Ng Khea Titt (黄启志)
Deputy Secretary-General
Company : Kenny Management Advisory
Position : Founder

Kate Ma Piek Ching (马碧卿)
Deputy Honorary Treasurer
Company: Contaq Advisory Sdn Bhd
Position: Managing Partner

Robin Low Swee Chai (刘瑞财)
PUMM Perak State Chairman
Company: AP Hair & Beauty Supplier Sdn Bhd
Position: Managing Director

Ellva Tan Suat Hoon (陳菽蕓)
PUMM Penang State Chairlady
Company: Ezone Computer Centre
Position: Managing Director

Dato’ Victor Ng
PUMM Johor State Chairman
Company: Best Link Logistic Sdn Bhd
Position: Managing Director

Wong Chin Pong (黄展邦)
PUMM Pahang State Chairman
Company: Goodish Design Enterprise
Position: Managing Director

Patrick Chiam Yee Choon (詹裕俊)
PUMM Sabah State Chairman
Company: Axtrada (M) Sdn Bhd
Position: Executive Director

Eddie Ho Tze Hiung (何志雄)
PUMM KL & Selangor State Chairman
Company: Bioalpha Holdings Berhad
Position: Director

Nick Chow Chee Keong (鄒秉豐)
PUMM Negeri Sembilan State Chairman
Company: Wan World Funeral Services
Position: Senior Manager

Calvin Lim E-Ming (林一鸣)
PUMM Malacca State Acting Chairman
Company: Labelle Fashion Boutique Sdn Bhd
Position: Director

Hu Choo Ling (Lina) (傅珠鈴)
PUMM Sarawak State Chairlady
Company: Bu Huat Kee General Contractor Sdn Bhd
Position: Director

Leonm Tang Kai Zhe (陈凯慈)
PUMM Kedah & Perlis State Chairman
Company: SMS Optical Holding Sdn Bhd
Position: Managing Director

Jocelyn Leong Huey Yng (梁惠莹)
Central Committee
Company: JCL Capital Sdn Bhd
Position: Director

Nick Tan Yeet Fhong (陈一锋)
Central Committee
Company: Qlic Solution Sdn Bhd
Position: Director

Terry Teoh Yi Peng (张奕鹏)
Central Committee
Company: Hwa Lee M&E Group Sdn Bhd
Position: Managing Director

Soo Soon Kid (苏顺杰)
Central Committee
Company: Eighty One Sdn Bhd
Position: Product & Project Director

Chong Yen Kai (张彦凯)
Central Committee
Company: DreamsKingdoms
Position: Founder

Tee Soon Joo (郑顺裕)
Central Committee
Company: RiVOLVE Sdn. Bhd.
Position: Co-Founder

Shion, Lee Ngee Shion (李毓勳)
Central Committee
Company : Shion Design & Construction Sdn Bhd
Position : Director

Liew Wai Hoong (廖伟洪)
Central Committee
Company : Sapphire Pewter Sdn Bhd
Position : Managing Director

Paresh A/L Subramaniyam
Central Committee
Company: Engage Life
Position: Founder / CEO

Lim Kar Yi (林嘉仪)
Central Committee
Company: Access Business Services Sdn. Bhd.
Position: Director