PUMM Melaka Secretariat Office Grand Opening and Charter Night【青创会马六甲州联委会新会所开幕与创会之夜】

Congratulations to PUMM Melaka State Liaison Committee for the auspicious Opening Ceremony of its very own Entrepreneur Home on the 14th of May 2022. Consecutively, appreciation goes to our National President, Tan Lay Seong, and IPP Dato’ Dr. Tony Looi for graciously officiating the ceremony. Additionally, a word of thanks also goes to both IPP Dato’ Dr. Tony Looi and Datuk Seri Edmund Heng, the World’s Ten Most Outstanding Young Person (TOYP) for sharing their success stories with us, which benefited all our members.

First and foremost, heartfelt gratitude to all State and National Representatives who were present, far and near, for supporting and making this event an auspicious one. It definitely created much bonding and camaraderie amongst all members. Moving on, kudos to the Melaka State Liaison Chairman, Danni Piong and his Committee Members because without them, this would not have been made possible.

Furthermore, we would also like to thank Dato’ Wira Gan Tian Loo for presenting the token of appreciation to the sponsors because his presence definitely added grace to the occasion. In addition, congratulations to the PUMM Melaka State Liaison Committee 2022-2024 and thanks to President Tan Lay Seong for presenting the Inaugural Certificates to the new committee.

In a nutshell, we sincerely hope that everyone who attended this function had a good time. Last but not least, a special thanks goes to the Organizing Chairman Terry Tey and his committee members for their effort in making this event a true success!

恭贺马来西亚创业促进会 马六甲州联委会 (PUMM Melaka State Liaison) 于5月14日成功举办新会所开幕与创会之夜。

当天,PUMM全国总会长陈礼祥与辅导会长拿督雷智雄博士莅临,与马六甲州联委会主席房侑良 一同为新会所主持开幕仪式。 与此同时,本会也感谢辅导会长拿督雷智雄博士和世界十大杰出青年拿督斯里王冠文为青创会会员们分享他们的成功之路, 让会员们获益良多。

PUMM全国总会长陈礼祥也在活动上,特别感谢马六甲州联委会州主席房侑良,承担下创立马六甲州联委会的挑战,并在短短的一年时间,将州联委会发展到如此的规模,也成功设立了州联委会新会所, 让全国青创会会员们有个聚集交流的去处。

他也补充,他相信也期盼在州联委会主席 房侑良的领导之下,马六甲州将会成为全国州联委会的楷模,携同总会与各州联委会,将青创会打造成一个最具价值与影响力的青年创业商会。他也特别感谢筹委会主席Terry Tey与全体马六甲州联委会理事们的付出,并成功举办此活动。



