PUMM Pahang 3-In-1 Programme – Corporate Visit, Installation Night and Central Committee Meeting 【马来西亚青创会彭亨州联委会 3-IN-1 活动-企业拜访,就职典礼及中央会议】

Malaysian Entrepreneurs’ Development Association (PUMM) Pahang State Liaison held a 3-in-1 event on both June 25 and 26. In the morning of the first day, we visited our member’s durian orchard where everyone had a feast. The evening saw through the PUMM Pahang State Liaison Committee Installation Ceremony together with CEO Sharing Charity Night, organized by PUMM Pahang State Liaison in the presence of the Founding President of the association, Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew, who also shared an inspirational message which made a great impact to our members. This was followed by our National President’s address on our vision towards a greater economy and Pahang State Liaison Chairman Alson Lim Ching Wah with his address on youth towards entrepreneurship. Aside from that, PUMM Pahang donated a sum of RM10,000 to the Sang Riang Senior Citizen’s Home at the dinner while Pertubuhan Kebajikan Penyayang Triang Pahang and St. John Ambulance Malaysia each received RM5,000. The Central Committees and the rest of the members were all present at the event.

The next day, during the 2nd PUMM Central Committee Meeting, PUMM National President, Mr. Tan Lay Seong shared his future plans and encouraged members to attract more young entrepreneurs into the organization.

马来西亚创业促进会(青创会)彭亨州联委会于6月25及26日举办了2天1夜的 3 合 1 活动。25日早上拜访了青创会会员所属的榴莲园,在榴莲飘香的季节,除了可以参观该果园同时也能尽情地享用榴莲,山竹及火龙果。





次日,第二场全国中央理事会议中,总会长陈礼祥明列出PUMM 青创会未来商会的发展将以吸引更多年轻企业家加入青创会为主轴,并且对内与对外,全面推广青创会的愿景与使命。