PUMM Sarawak’s Charity Dinner Raises 100K for Community Welfare

Malaysian Entrepreneurs Development Association (PUMM) Sarawak State Liaison held the “Charity Gives Love” Music Charity Dinner, unfolded at Pullman Miri Waterfront Hotel on 27th October 2023. The event achieved a remarkable total fundraising amount of RM102,520.

The funds raised are directed towards supporting Miri Life Care Society, Wishesland Miri, Sarawak Children Cancer Society, as well as several Chinese primary schools, including SJK(C) Chung Hua Bakam, SJK(C) Chung Hua Sungai Lumut, SJK(C) Chung San Miri, SJK(C) Chung Hua Tudan, and SJK(C) North Miri.

The event received notable support from esteemed individuals, including Guest of Honor, Minister of Transport of Sarawak YB Dato Sri Lee Kim Shin, and esteemed guests included Doctor David Ling Sien Ngan, Dato’ Sri Law Kiu Kiong, PUMM Sarawak State Advisor Datuk James Ling Suk Kiong, Datuk Chieng Yew Huo, Member and Sponsors.

Their collective presence and support created a memorable evening, contributing to the successful raising of 100K, which benefited charitable organizations and Chinese primary schools. PUMM express gratitude to Organizing Chairman Raymond Kuan for his outstanding leadership in orchestrating a successful event, and for the significant impact these distinguished individuals have made on the lives of those in need and look forward to their continued support in future endeavors, fostering positive change in the community.

Participants included PUMM National President Tan Lay Seong, Organizing Chairman Raymond Kuan, Immediate Past President Dato Tony Looi, Deputy President Nelson Beh, Vice President Arlene Tan, Vice President Eugene Ng, Secretary-General Daniel Dea, Honorary Treasurer Dato Jason Foo, Negeri Sembilan State Liaison Chairman Timothy Teo, Perak State Liaison Chairman Lucas Chong, KL & Selangor State Liaison Chairman Jeff Ho, Sabah State Liaison Chairman Patrick Chiam, Sarawak State Liaison Chairman Lina Hu, Central Committee Jocelyn Leong, Soo Soon Kid, Jimmi Yeo and Chong Yen Kai.


2023年10月27日,马来西亚创业促进会(青创会;PUMM)砂拉越州联委会会于美里 Pullman Waterfront 酒店成功举办了 “慈善传递爱心” 音乐慈善晚宴,共筹得102,520令吉的善款。

所得善款将用于支持美里生命关怀协会、Wishesland Miri、砂拉越儿童癌症协会,以及包括SJK(C) Chung Hua Bakam、SJK(C) Chung Hua Sungai Lumut、SJK(C) Chung Hua Tudan,和SJK( C) North Miri 在内的数所华文小学。



Photos available at this link : https://www.facebook.com/PUMM.Malaysia/posts/pfbid0z3Urjt9tenoJGJoi8XSmzBzcUEJnbuRp5StFnKRSrSceKBoZqWxctDAYfsehHqV7l