【PUMM Visits PERNAS to Explore Franchise Opportunities and Foster Entrepreneurial Growth】
On 16th June 2023, the Malaysian Entrepreneurs Development Association (PUMM) paid a special visit to Perbadanan Nasional Berhad (PERNAS), where they were warmly received by esteemed representatives, including Dato’ Hazimah Binti Zainuddin, PERNAS Chairman, and Mohamad Akmal bin Md Husin, Chief Financial Officer, Md Nazid Mohd Noor, Head of Franchise Marketing & Development Department, and Azizam Ramli, Head of Franchise Financing Department.
During the meeting, PERNAS encouraged PUMM members to delve into the world of franchising as a means of business expansion. PUMM Vice President Arlene Tan emphasized the importance of collaboration between PUMM and PERNAS in promoting entrepreneurship and facilitating the growth of franchising in Malaysia. She highlighted the need for joint efforts to provide entrepreneurs with the necessary resources and support to succeed in the franchising industry. They expressed admiration for PUMM operational efficiency, well-structured organization, and systematic approach.
Recognizing the limited presence of franchises in Sabah, with only eight establishments, Sabah State Liaison Chairman Patrick Chiam expressed his optimism about the potential benefits that PERNAS could bring to Sabah’s economy. He discussed the desire to increase the number of franchises in the state, indicating that PERNAS’ expertise and assistance would play a crucial role in achieving this goal.
Jacky, a prominent franchiser from Sabah and also PUMM member, received a special invitation from PERNAS to serve as a guest speaker at an upcoming PERNAS event. PUMM Sabah’s participation aims to promote and showcase the potential of franchises in Sabah, providing valuable insights and experiences to the participants. PERNAS displayed a highly welcoming and inclusive attitude towards serving entrepreneurs of diverse backgrounds, fostering an environment conducive to collaboration and growth.
The visit by PUMM to PERNAS marked a significant step towards exploring franchise opportunities, widening business horizons, and strengthening the entrepreneurial landscape. It highlighted PERNAS’ dedication to supporting and empowering business owners, while PUMM’s engagement underlined its commitment to fostering economic growth and prosperity for Malaysian entrepreneurs.
Participants included PUMM Vice President Arlene Tan, Sabah State Liaison Chairman Patrick Chiam, Sabah State Liaison Vice Chairlady Carmen Wong, PUMM members Jacky Chin and Sally Lee.

【青创会拜访 PERNAS,共探连锁加盟机遇,促进创业成长】
2023年6月16日,马来西亚创业促进会(青创会;PUMM)到访国民企业有限公司(PERNAS)进行友好拜访。PERNAS 致力于发展中小企业家可以负担的特许经营权,让更多有潜力的企业家可以涉足特许经营业务。青创会会员受到热烈接待,其中包括 PERNAS 主席 Dato’ Hazimah Binti Zainuddin、首席财务官 Mohamad Akmal bin Md Husin、连锁营销和发展部门负责人 Md Nazid Mohd Noor 以及连锁融资部门负责人 Azizam Ramli。
在拜访期间,PERNAS 鼓励青创会会员深入了解连锁加盟业务作为业务拓展的手段。他们对青创会的运营效率、良好组织结构和系统化管理表示赞赏。青创会副总会长陈荣月强调了青创会与 PERNAS 之间合作的重要性,以推动创业和促进马来西亚特许经营的增长。
沙巴知名连锁商家、也是青创会会员 Jacky Chin 获得了 PERNAS 的特别邀请,作为即将举行的 PERNAS 活动的嘉宾演讲人。青创会沙巴州联委会的参与旨在促进和展示沙巴地区连锁加盟业务的潜力,为与会者提供宝贵的见解和经验。此外,PERNAS 展示了对各种背景的创业者提供高度欢迎和包容的态度,营造了有利于合作和成长的环境。
青创会对 PERNAS 的拜访是探索连锁加盟机遇、拓宽业务发展视野和加强创业环境的重要一步。这突显了 PERNAS 支持和赋权中小企业业主的承诺,而青创会的参与则强调了其致力于促进马来西亚创业者的经济增长和繁荣的承诺。
与会者包括青创会副总会长陈荣月、沙巴州联委会主席詹裕俊、副主席黄慧敏、青创会会员 Jacky Chin 和 Sally Lee。