【青创州联委会 年终分享会】[PUMM YES]不知不觉一眨眼已经来到了2020年的尾声。大家是否都觉得今年的时间过的特别快呢?由于今年面临严峻的疫情,导致国家经济受到重挫,许多企业老板都面临资金周转的问题、许多打工族都面临减薪或无薪假、学生无法正常的上课等等的问题。有些州属眼看情况逐渐好转又到别的州属爆发。这情况真的让人担忧,这波疫情到底会持续多久呢?
当然,这场年终分享会怎么能少得了我们的全国总会长 陈礼祥 先生呢?他将成为此分享会的开场嘉宾哦
还有还有….. 我们的美丽总秘书 Arlene Tan是当晚的主持哟
At Great Eastern, we believe in the power of human potential. We believe you can achieve what’s meaningful to you and be the greatest version of yourself. Since 1908, we have made it our purpose to protect you from life’s uncertainties and help you thrive with financial freedom. With our innovative products and solutions, you can focus on what’s important and pursue your goals with peace of mind.
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No matter who you are, where you are from or what your dream is, Great Eastern is here to empower you to reach for great.